In the past, whenever we have set the room up, it has been rows of tables with chairs. His simple question turned into an experiment of how we could arrange the tables and chairs in a way so that people could interact and meet each other. We spent about a half hour experimenting with different configurations. We moved things around until we came up with a different footprint for the room. We needed to accommodate 100+ people. After the event, we reflected and discussed how we felt changing the flow of the room and arranging the tables in a new way brought a different energy to the room. We simply needed to think inside the box that we had and not do what we had always done before.
At EdCamp Leadership, I also had the privilege of meeting Christine Dismuke, @cmdismuke2 . She passionately shared her experience with classroom redesign and the positive effect she has seen it have within her own classroom. I encourage you to check out and share her blog, The Deskless Tribe.
If you have experience or insight on learning environments, please share what you have learned.