It sounds so simple, however it took me into year three with our school being 1:1 to have what I refer to as my "lightbulb moment". In my learning over the summer of 2015, two things stuck with me; the importance of pedagogy and the need to deliver resources to a teacher when they are relevant to him or her. The second part of this moment was realizing that we don't know what we don't know until we learn it. How do you coach a teacher with a new tool or technique? You simply ask a teacher, what would you like to do in your classroom that you aren't doing now? What would you like to learn about? It's amazing, ask a teacher what they'd like to try or what they'd like to learn about and the flood gate can open. I don't always have an immediate answer for them, I get to do what I love then and go and learn to bring back a solution or a resource to them. Even better, I have been able to tap into the resources I have tagged and tucked away in Evernote!
There will be those that ask, yes but what about the teachers that don't ask or that don't want to learn something new. My answer there is that is ok! I know that there are very few teachers that don't want to get better. The trick here is not waiting for them to ask, but reaching out to them and asking them. What is a need, a question or a desire to learn for one teacher is not necessarily what the teacher in the next room needs or cares about. It's actually the exact same with students, if they have a question, an interest, a passion they are going to be interested and dive into the learning. Teachers are no different. One size fits all professional development just doesn't work. The process of change and innovation revolves around relationships and meeting people's needs.
My lightbulb moment I believe has set me on the right path. I have obstacles to overcome to get to a point of being able to get to teachers effectively. I have had a few great experiences in my building this fall and I look forward to making more connections with teachers. I am blessed to be in an environment where I work with amazing people and anything is truly possible. So here's to lighting up the building through simply asking one teacher at a time, what do you want to do differently or learn to do?